We have entered into the season of Spring. Even amidst the chaos of war and continued global and local violence, Spring offers the path toward awakening. I wanted to share with you an unexpected marvel that blossomed this year, while also acknowledging and never ignoring how struggle manifests.
For the last several years, I have tended to a succulent. My friend does not desire that much water as it is hardy and sufficient with what the air provides including any condensation or rain (when that happens here in Sacramento). I ensure that any completed aged portions are removed and that the soil is periodically fertilized. This year something unexpected happened - the succulent flowered! Even after years of watching, talking, and nourishing this succulent, I didn’t even know it could do that! I learned of an unexpected marvel which reflected beauty and bounty.
Just because we hadn’t seen it yet, didn’t mean that it didn’t exist.
Its potential always existed prior to the planting, prior to the tending, prior to this plant receiving the gifts that support life. It was always there just not quite ready to be realized yet in its life cycle.
This is what psychotherapy and healing are all about. Everything with people is present and “the everything” requires attention, care, love, and activation for people to realize their potentials more fully over time. This includes attending to the social determinants of health (i.e., economic stability, quality education, quality health care, safe neighborhoods, a life situation that is free from discrimination and violence) that coincide with developing and sustaining wellness. When I think about my work with diverse people including LGBTQ+ youth, young adults, and adults it means engaging processes that help to foster a greater sense of belonging, assisting in the transformation of emotional and psychological impacts of bullying and other violence, and supporting the creative capacities and resilience of our communities. This can be done by envisioning the flowering within people’s lifecycles and recognizing the unique contributions that all folks have within our communities. We all have a role in this. Ubuntu!